Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Great Whole House Water Filtration Review Irvine CA

I'm a big fan of these water filters, which is why I keep posting about them.  Plus, well, my wife works for them.
The quality of the filtration system is important.  You must go with a custom media loaded tank or you are just wasting your time.  Almost everything you order in a box online is going to stop working for you within a few months for a number of reasons.
Anyway, here is a nice write-up on a Pure Elements Water filter.
We decided to install a water filtration and purification system because
1) we wanted to prevent pin hole leaks (we had one a few years ago) and
2) our bottled water delivery service increased their prices significantly, two times.
We had estimates from other companies but we bought Rick Allen’s Pure Elements system on the spot because he obviously knew more about water and each specific water district in Orange County than anyone. 

Going back several years when we had a pin hole, we treated it with an epoxy system that took care of part of our home. 
After the treatment we noticed we could not get much water pressure from the entire master bath portion of our home. 

In August of 2019, we installed the Pure Elements filtration system near the front of the garage. It only took one tank to service our home. Not much space was given up at all!

Custom Whole House Water Filtration System in Irvine CA
Custom Whole House Water System Irvine CA
We installed a water purification under our kitchen sink and have a separate faucet for drinking and cooking water. What a difference!
After about three weeks our water pressure in the master improved!
Next we saw differences in the efficiency of our dishwater. Dishes came out much cleaner! 

I noticed a difference in the laundry, less stiff towels and clothing.
Our purified water tasted so much better than anything we had ever tried. 

The most amazing change however was something we did not expect. I’ve had some illnesses for 22 years and trouble with brain fog. Starting around three weeks using filtrated water, my brain fog started to lift. Since October of 2019, I no longer have brain fog! 

Previously to installing our new water system I had difficulty cognitively deciphering a spoken sentence. There was an odd lapse of time that was not normal and I said “what” all the time because of the lapse. It is GONE! 

In my younger years before technology and my illness, I was a walking dictionary, remembering names, numbers etc. I lost that ability for over 20 years but it is back COMPLETELY. 

My husband feels he has more brain clarity in his normal work day also. It is all due to the water!
Buy it. Improve your life!
Janis P. Irvine CA

25% Off Right Now on Whole House Water Filters & Purified Drinking Water Systems.

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